I just read another great article by Mr. Edinger about money laundering and I quote

"Rene Brulhart was head of Liechtenstein’s Financial Intelligence Unit when I established a liaison relationship with that country—and he was very enthusiastic about not only working together against money launderers but also helping me to create an intelligence association of micro-European countries."

Mr. Edinger knows than how Russian and also those Ukraine use the Russian Laundromat to Launder their criminal money into safe and the so-called honest Countries like the United States. How about Money Laundering into Santa Barbara? Could that actually be happening in this sunny little ole beach town and by Russians? Maybe Russian Organized Crime. (ROC) And even Ukraines?

And Mr. Edinger ends on the truisms of Intelligence and I quote "As the trial continues, I am once again reminded that Intelligence can be hazardous to one’s well being."

Yes you can say that again Mr. Edinger.

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What the heck is this even about playboy

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Robert, they are all going down, all of the investments in genocidal pharmaceutical corporations, deep into the deepest reaches of Dante's Inferno, when the two International Courts in the Hague conclude their prosecution, adjudication, and sentencing of these 15 bad guys and one woman (Melinda French Gates) in Case OTP CR 473 021 from December 6, 2021. I think you are just the perfect person to interview me for the Santa Barbara newspaper. Send me a few questions and I'll answer, and I am pretty sure the publisher of Southern California's longest running publication will like it and so will the readers! [Wendy P. McCaw]. This would be a real breakthrough and long overdue scoop. The big Pharma Executives can't keep a strangle hold on real journalists forever, those who seek to expose the Truth, and a true leader like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who United Nations Santa Fe, of which I am the Founder, enthusiastically, even desparately, endorsed back in April for two terms in the White House, with or without the Kentucky Eye Surgeon Rand Paul as Vice President. Who gives a F--- whether they are of different "parties"? That happened in 1796 in the race between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson was Washington's Secretary of State, then Adams Vice President, then President in 1800, and made the Louisiana Purchase in 1803.

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Hello Stephen good article there. Gates, Health Fraud and Money flying all over from BIG Pharma however I would be alittle more concerned about the Russians Money Laundering at least $100 Billion into the United States in last few years. That is Real Money and Real Crime

and where does all that Russian Dark Money go? Some right here in Santa Barbara and I would bet down there in Santa Fe. And Russians always bribe folks like dirty cops and dirty attorneys. It is called BLAT.

Blat Def. - In Russian, blat (Russian: блат) is a form of corruption comprising a system of informal agreements, exchanges of services, connections, Party contacts, or black market deals to achieve results or get ahead. Sounds exactly what we have going down in Santa Barbara

Howard Walther member of a Military Family

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