Um... Humbly, I propose a different perspective - that the "lab leak" was more to prop the lie that viruses even exist. They have never been proven to - nor has contagion been proven. So...

What if Rockefeller gave Us twin towers of lies? Viruses and contagion. Then taught them as "truth" in His schools, publishing, and media for profit (selling pHARMa and jabs) and fear (for control)?

What if He paid Others to put down Any who said that terrain and not germs was responsible for disease?

What if the plannedemic started over 100 years ago, and the esoteric group that has the bulk of everything on Our planet used 2020 to get the final phase rolling (2020 - 22 - master builder number)?

What if the virus was a mind virus spread through the media to get Us to volunteer to be sacrificed?

And now, to cover for detox efforts by Our bodies of the toxins jabbed into Our flesh, They are claiming "monkey pox" and looking to get the rest of Us jabbed? (Not to mention 5G...)

What if that is the real story...?

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I agree… I might a few things to consider: there is no standardized test for “COVID” and it’s never been isolated, so the whole thing is fraud.

Viruses don’t have ethnicities, hence when Trump called it the “China Virus” that actually led to assaults and murder of Asian Americans. He has never been held accountable for this. That’s actual racism right up in front of the world.

Most teachers are extraordinarily hard working people. If you think Libs of Tik Tok is representative of the profession you simply don’t understand what it is and how it’s being destroyed in real time. The teachers should have rebelled, but the fascist administration would’ve fired them in a heartbeat. Their compliance with the thoroughly illegal school closures and “online” learning doomed a soul of the profession that was already under attack by both (R) and (D).

Destroy public education and you destroy a nation. It’s that important to save. It’s very lucrative to destroy, yet taxpayers could save billions by reverting to classical, analog time tested methods. It is possible to go back to that. Parents and teachers need to wake up, the community needs to get the govt devices out of the school.

No one should be taking anything for “COVID”- certainly not Ivermectin, which is being linked into infertility…

Debts should be forgiven universally- close the economy and people can’t pay them back, so that’s only fair…

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Some other resources about Ivermectin and the like:

"Medicine" BS: https://mestuff.substack.com/p/the-bobblehead-mafia

About "nations:"

Government is Slavery: https://christophercook.substack.com/p/government-slavery-similarities

About debt:

A Better Economic System (article): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/A-Better-Economic-System:2

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