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Is it Me, or does this look achingly like a play? Like everything on the literal world stage is scripted to cast sandy hooks into the participatory audience's emotions and drag Us where the directors want Us. So much evidence of actors in Biden masks, Putin executed and a body double placed in the role... And even Special K looks to be wearing a mask...

A play... With live props to deliver a bang to the Ones ensnared in the theatre.

Or maybe a many-ringed circus... None of what We see seems organic to Me.

What say Others? Do I hallucinate? Of perhaps see past the faux scenery into the devious working of the moneyed psychopaths in control on Our planet?

What a Play! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/what-a-play

The Dividing of Humanity to Maintain Control (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-dividing-of-humanity-to-maintain

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