it's amazing isn't it.... this looks like... actual Journalism!

why I rate Eringer with Assange, Snowden, Ellsberg, Hersh, etc.

A little journalism is a rare thing indeed!

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Kimberly Guilfoyle What is the connection with Newsome and the Trumps thru Guilfoyle? And Guilfoyle being hired by FOX? She is such a _h_re. Or knows important things.

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I know someone else that 's a _h_re and she's another manchurian candidate running for

you know that thing!

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It's a tangled web.

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Gavin has a resemblance to Mitt Romney. Mitt was a one year student at Stanford at the critical time and according to wikipedia was a playboy. Mitt was whisked off to Europe for a Mormon Mission. Who goes to SU for one year? Based on mutual wealth of the respective parties they would have known each other. The profiles are so similiar. No way would Gordon be the father - no familial similarities.

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