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I read this "Interesting" Article by Mr. "Intelligence Eringer" tilted "SPYMASTER RULES"

and I quote "Prince Albert of Monaco pledged to fight rampant corruption and money laundering in his principality. He hired a spymaster and, later, a chief-of-staff to assist him in this endeavor. But when faced with resistance from corrupt influences around him, the prince caved and reneged on promises he made to his spymaster, his chief-of-staff, his subjects, foreign intelligence services and the world—and became complicit in their corruption."

It seems that "Good Intentions" can change when MONEY is in play which brings in SPYMASTER RULES number "12# Play the skeptic with sources to determine their motivation. (It is almost always money or revenge—ideology and conviction are like rubber bands.)"

“Absolute power corrupts absolutely” that typically involves MONEY.

Any MONEY changing hands in Santa Barbara Mr. Eringer?

Howard Walther, member of a Military Family

PS - I will leave you with another Rule to live by below>>>

https://tinyurl.com/ysheessa >>> And I quote

"Financial fraud undermines that trust, with severe consequences. Consequences such as wasted taxpayer dollars, higher insurance premiums, and increased business costs—to say nothing of the harm to the victims themselves. When today’s financial criminals commit their own versions of the “Big Con,” we all lose." .... "As we all know, it really is a jungle out there, even beyond the confines of Jungle Island. But working together, we can defend our economy and our fellow citizens from today’s financial predators."

"Thank you for having me here, and God bless."

I could not say it any better than this Military Veteran.

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